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Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2019

What is Consulting? - Based on my personal experience and research

When people hear the word “consulting,” they often think of MIT MBAs advising enterprise businesses on corporate strategy. They imagine a fancy office with thousands of impeccably dressed staff members, each with a packed suitcase ready for another international flight. Let me tell you this: in reality, this isn’t an accurate picture of consulting. Not even close. The true picture of modern consulting is a lot closer to home, and you probably know someone right now making great money as a consultant. 36% of the US workforce is currently engaged in some form of independent consulting and contract work, and out of this group, almost 20% of those working full-time are earning north of six figures. Let’s define consulting. Consulting means “engaged in the business of giving expert advice to people working in a specific field.” In other words, a consultant is somebody who gives advice to a specific group of people. So what is a consultant? A consultant is someone who ha

¿Una cura para todos los males? - Basado en mi experiencia personal

Durante los últimos 10 años, los investigadores de ventas B2B han dedicado una gran cantidad de esfuerzo al abordaje del tema de la tecnología aplicada a las ventas, y por buenas razones: la automatización de fuerza de ventas (SFA) - el sistema de herramientas tecnológicas destinadas a ayudar a las organizaciones de ventas a mejores prácticas en la Gestión de Relaciones con Clientes (Customer Relationship Management – CRM) - ha sido aclamado como la panacea para los males que aquejan a las asediadas fuerzas de ventas. ¿Te suena familiar? ¿Tiene problemas de seguimiento de información clave sobre los clientes? SFA.  ¿Dificultad en cross-selling y up-selling? SFA.  ¿No puede aprovechar el éxito de un representante en toda la organización? SFA.  La lista continúa. Como resultado, las organizaciones que poseen areas de ventas y/o servicios han comprado según lo que AMR Research informa en software para automatizar la gestión de clientes mas de  $ 14 mil millones en 2007, y el merc

Always have this thought present

Las sociedades y los sistemas de Información

La evolución de los sistemas de información en las organizaciones ha sido tan grande que estos han traspasado sus fronteras llegando a clientes, consumidores y en general a la sociedad.  Muchos estudios mencionan la evolución de los sistemas, sin embargo, más allá de un análisis técnico, nos dedicaremos en esta lectura a identificar el impacto que los sistemas han logrado en las sociedades y cómo ambos interactúan entre sí.  Cuando hablamos de impactos en la sociedad nos referimos al cambio que esta ha experimentado con la posibilidad de interactuar directamente con los sistemas de información de las organizaciones, teniendo así acceso en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar del mundo directamente a la información, atributo que antiguamente solo se conseguía a través de un empleado o intermediario de la empresa, de esta manera, las personas en la actualidad pueden, por ejemplo, consultar a través del sitio web de un banco el balance de sus cuentas bancarias, realizar

Remote Meetings

  6 Tips for Getting Started with Remote Meetings  Almost 70% of healthcare providers (HCPs) will be digital natives by 2020.   They’re just as comfortable going to the supermarket as they are ordering groceries through an app. Technology has opened up new avenues for these doctors to receive goods and information—and most are starting to expect the same of their meetings with sales reps. Eighty-five percent of doctors want access to reps through “virtual services” such as online meetings. 2 Flexible and convenient, they provide the opportunity for deeper engagement; remote calls last 14 minutes on average, vs. 6 minutes for meetings attended in person. 3  But in the EU, only 6% of HCPs are getting a true multichannel experience that includes communication from face-to-face, email, and virtual meeting channels Tips for Success: Empowering Reps with Remote Meetings  The best customer engagement strategy blends in-person and virtual channels so that reps can custo

Sales Productivity

Salesforce offers a ton of features to increase sales productivity. High Velocity Sales Accelerate your inside sales process with a high-productivity workspace. With Sales Cadences, managers can create custom sales processes that guide sales reps through handling different types of prospects. Those cadences appear for sales reps in the Work Queue, a task list that appears inside the Sales Console. And with other productivity-boosting features like Lightning Dialer, Lead Scoring, and out-of-the-box reports, your sales teams have everything they need to handle prospects in a fraction of the time it took before. Work with Salesforce from Microsoft® or Google Applications You know you spend tons of time working prospects from your email and scheduling appointments from your calendar. After Salesforce admins set up these integration products, you can get your Salesforce work done directly from your Microsoft or Google applications like Microsoft Outlook®, Gmail™, or Google Calenda

Data Quality

Business success depends on accurate, complete data that your teams knows they can rely on.  Always use procedures and  routines  for duplicate management to reduce and prevent duplicate records. Use Data Integration, Prospector, or Clean to incorporate data from third parties and into your records. Duplicate Management and Data Integration are included in Salesforce. Prospector and Clean require a license. Manage Duplicate Records Maintaining clean, accurate data is one of the most important things you can do to get the most out of Salesforce. It builds the trust of your sales team and helps you work toward complying with various data protection and privacy regulations. Salesforce gives you tools for managing duplicates one at a time and across your org, and to track your progress in eliminating duplicates. Integrate Third-Party Data with Your Records Give your sales team data and connections that they can use to cultivate great